The Cats Cradles boarding cattery
license number CC/AB/SJM/1212201

0121 520 5119
1 cat £12.00/day
2 cats £19.00/day based on 2 cats from the same household sharing one pen
3 cats £24.00/day based on 3 cats from the same household sharing one pen
4 cats £28.00/day based on 4 cats from the same household sharing one pen
prices valid from 1st November 2022
next price review 1st November 2024
1) These prices include heating, bedding, food and litter.
2) There is a small charge of £1/cat/stay to cover administration costs.
3) There is a three day minimum charge, (5 days at Christmas)
4) The daily price tariff applies to both the day of your cat’s arrival and the day of departure. All days that are booked must be paid for in full, even if you collect your cat(s) early.
5) Payment can be made by cash or personal cheque.
6) Bookings are usually confirmed verbally at the time the booking is made.
7) You may be asked to pay a non- refundable deposit.
The amount may vary depending on the size of your booking, but should be no more than 50% of your total bill (unless there are extenuating circumstances).
8) We believe that by keeping The Cats Cradles a small boarding cattery your cat(s) will receive the best care and individual attention they deserve. In turn this means that the cattery has to be run profitably. Because of its size we cannot afford the few pens we have to sit empty. What this means to you, the customer, is that if you wish to cancel your booking, you need to give as much notice as possible. If you cancel a booking giving 10 days notice or less, there is a very good chance your cat's intended pen(s) would remain empty. You will therefore be asked as an act of good faith to pay your cat’s outstanding bill in full.
Thank you for your understanding

a contented guest

two's company

taylored diets
9) Your cat’s safety and well being is of our utmost concern. However the management will accept no liability in the event of theft, loss or death or any resident (or owner) whilst on cattery premises.
10) Your cat(s) must be vaccinated every year against flu and enteritis. Your vet will give you a vaccination card, which needs to be brought along with your cat on the day of arrival. Ideally booster ‘jabs’ should be done at least 7 days before arriving at the cattery and the card should be presented at the start of every visit.
11) All cats over the age of aprox. 6 months should be spayed/neutered.
12) Please inform the management of any recent illness or medical condition your cat may have. We will be pleased to administer any ongoing medication during your cat’s stay- including flea and worming preparations, tablets, insulin injections, etc. There is no charge for this service.
13) Any cat discovered to have an existing flea or worm infestation will be treated using a veterinary preparation (which we find to be most effective) and you, the owner will be charged accordingly. Just to be clear, only the medication is charged for, not the administration of said medication.
14) No cat suffering from, or suspected to be suffering from any infectious or contagious disease can be accepted.
15) For your cat’s safety and comfort your cat’s collar should be removed upon arrival at the cattery.
16) Your cat must be transported in a suitable carrying basket. Cardboard boxes/carriers are not acceptable. Cats arriving in unsuitable carrying boxes will be provided with a plastic carrying box and clients will be charged accordingly.
17) We are happy to groom your cats whilst here, so don’t forget to bring their grooming combs etc. Ordinarily there is no extra charge for this service, but if a large amount of de-matting is required, particularly with longhaired cats, may we suggest this is attended to before boarding to prevent any additional charge.